Update 0.6.7
v0.6.7 In Development Rygar Part II - Tulon Research Complex Delve deep into the hidden Tulon Base along the Rygar Cliffside Fight dangerous new enemies Overcome a deadly automated security system Reach the center of the superstructure to descend even
Update 0.6.6
Hey everyone! Massive Steam Update 0.6.6 is now available! New Uncharted Sector Mode, Skill System 2.0, New Weapons, New Perks, New Skills and more! v0.6.6 Campaign Updates Spooky Season Has Arrived! Mr. Spooky and Scary Face have haunted all Campaign levels Check
Update 0.6.4
Solar Purge Update 0.6.4 is now available on Steam! Holochamber 2.0, New Unique Weapons and Perks, Achievements and more! In Development New “Post-Campaign” System Procedurally generated levels for post-campaign play Face high level enemies and earn unique weapons and loot
Update 0.6.3
Solar Purge Update 0.6.3 is now available on Steam! Campaign Mission Updates, Holochamber Updates, New Weapons, UI Updates and much more! v0.6.3 Campaign Updates ”New” Level: Titus Caverns: The underground area leading up to the Queen’s Nest has been separated into its
Brand New Weapons Manufacturer!
Olorun Defense Systems In the days before the Space Rush, Olorun was considered to be one of the most powerful Megacorps in Human space. Not only a foundational Megacorp in the Secondary Jupiter Lunar League, Olorun’s Stellar Resources division was mining
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