Update 0.6.6
Hey everyone! Massive Steam Update 0.6.6 is now available! New Uncharted Sector Mode, Skill System 2.0, New Weapons, New Perks, New Skills and more!
Campaign Updates
- Spooky Season Has Arrived!
- Mr. Spooky and Scary Face have haunted all Campaign levels
- Check out the special seasonal event patch notes for more info!
- NEW Uncharted Sectors
- Travel to Uncharted Sectors in each non-boss Campaign Mission
- Fight high-level enemies while exploring three partially curated, partially generated levels
- Discover Unique Weapons you can Vault for use elsewhere in the Campaign!
- Currently the Ruined City is available in Early Access:
- Accessed just past the entrance to the Lost City on Oterion Mission 2
- (Later Uncharted Sectors will all be announced, but their entrances may be secret)
- Battle new and evolving waves of enemies, including regular appearances by the Oterion Toad
- Gather both Gate Keys and Cypher Keys to open each hidden corner of the map and locked weapon caches
- Find powerful new Unique Weapons to take on the enhanced threat!
- Bug fixes and minor art / balance updates will continue, but the next Uncharted Sector is already moving into early testing!
- The addition of Uncharted Sectors should effectively
the total amount of content in the Campaign!
Skill System 2.0
- There were many character skill changes that we’ve always wanted to bring to the game, but weren’t able to with the previous skill system logic – Upgrade Time!!!
- We are replacing the old logic with a brand new system planned to roll out over the next several updates
- The first major change coming to how skill cooldowns function.
- Skills can now modify their Charges (the number of uses for the Skill) and Recharge rate (cooldown) dynamically during gameplay!
- This change extends/will extend to other modifiers such as Weapon Perks, Player Skills, Player / Enemy Hits / Kills, etc.
Player Subsystem Overhaul
- Reworked the spawning and handling process of players in single and multiplayer sessions
- Players 2-4 can now press the pause button on controllers to join in during gameplay
- Players 2 and 3 can now drop out without requiring players 3 and 4 to drop out first
- Players will now spawn at Player 1’s location rather than the average between players
NEW Weapons & Perks
- NEW Exotic: Chaos Theory (AR)
- NEW Exotic Perk [Pendulum]: Grants energy to a random uncharged skill (on enemy hits and kills)
- NEW Weapon Perks: (These will roll on Nazuna weapons)
- Siphon – Regenerates skill energy when hitting enemies
- Reaper- Regenerates skill energy when killing enemies
NEW Skills
- NEW Assassin Skill: Heat Signature
- Vanish from sight and distract enemies with a holographic decoy
General Updates & Fixes
- Gameplay
- Emotes can no longer be played while in flyout menu or when player is dead
- Increased Max Vault Size from 20 to 30
- Weapon loot now has more physics impulses when spawning
- Cypher Key is now orange to reflect color in Flyout menu
- Holochamber Arcade
- Greatly increased the spawn frequency of enemies
- Changed the color of the SP Re-Spec Kiosk to not be confused with the SP purchase kiosk
- Removed duplicate Ruins Spawn Points (the pad used for launching the dungeon floor)
- Fixed an issue on Sentinel HC that could trap the player
- Fixed an issue preventing vault access when loading from a save file
- Weapons
- Nazuna DMR Suzumebachi updates:
- Renamed the existing Suzumebachi to Suzumebachi Type 5
- Created the new Suzumebachi Type 3:
- Removed the Special Bonus Perk and reduced the rarity to Uncommon
- This should adjust for the buff to the DMR’s raw damage output
- The original sparrowwasp will return in future levels!
- Simplified Nazuna’s naming convention: Type numbers are now firmly separated by both power and rarity levels:
- e.g. Common SMG Kirin Type 1, Common Rocket Launcher Tatsumaki Type 2, Uncommon Combat Shotgun Arashi Type 3, etc.
- Existing weapons in the player’s Vault will be unaffected, creating a few very rare but totally cosmetic weapon names!
- Nazuna DMR Suzumebachi updates:
- Exotic Weapons
- Cherenkov’s Glaive (DMR)
- [Supercritical] perk
- References to “ions” has been replaced with “isotopes”
- Increased isotope detonation damage from 6000 to 12000
- Added bonus functionality: Each isotope detonated grants 2 energy for Support Skills
- Replaced perk “Offense+” with “Support+”
- [Supercritical] perk
- Caduceus (HG)
- [Battle Medic] perk
- Changed trigger condition from “on enemy hit” to “on enemy kill”
- Health restoration increased from 5% to 10%
- [Battle Medic] perk
- Overwhelming Force (SMG)
- [Relentless] perk
- Added functionality: Kills grant a stacking Skill Regen Bonus for a short duration (up to 5 stacks, resets after a short break in firing)
- Added bonus functionality: Kills refund 10 ammo to the magazine
- [Relentless] perk
- Judicator (GL)
- Increased Reserve Magazines from 2 to 3
- Reduced projectile travel distance from 150 to 50
- [Verdict] Perk
- Weapon details now represent airstrike damage and not impact damage
- Increased airstrike damage by 87.5%
- Airstrike radius is now displayed with a green outline
- Replaced perk “Fully Loaded” with “Special Reaper”
- Fixed an issue causing Exotic weapons to not receive the sandbox tuning from a previous update
- Updated descriptions on some Exotic perks
- Cherenkov’s Glaive (DMR)
- Character Classes
- Skills
- Remote Charge
- Increased number of uses from 1 to 3
- Increased cooldown time (from no energy to full) from 6 seconds to 15 seconds
- Can no longer be force detonated by the player
- Plasma Blast
- Increased cooldown from 5 seconds to 10 seconds
- Marked for Death
- Increased cooldown duration of Heat Signature skill from 18 to 20 seconds
- Land Mine
- Increased number of uses from 1 to 2
- Juggernaut Dome Plasma Shield will now protect against all AOE damage
- Removed Stryker Barrage Skill damage upgrades for level 2 and 3 (already being boosted by Offense Bonus stat)
- NEW Juggernaut Energy Drain VFX
- Remote Charge
- Enemies
- Increased the base HP of bosses to preserve their challenging gameplay in lieu of improved player capabilities
- Fixed frozen destructible meshes for Oterion enemies
- Overhaul to Infected Frog attack VFX
- Added purple variants to a few acid related AOE effects
- Prison Guard Bot now has a limb dismemberment chance on death
- NEW Enemy: Valtharix
- A smaller version of the Oterion Boss
- He cannot perform a stomp attack, but is more nimble than the larger version
- Currently only to be found in the Lost City Uncharted Sector, but things could change
- UI
- Reworked Weapon Stat Comparison popup and moved back to the Local HUDs (Now shows DMG, Fire Rate, Reload Speed)
- Reworked Weapon pickup interact UI prompt (Now shows Weapon name, rarity, uniqueness, type, ammo classification and perks)
- Reworked Flyout Menu Weapon Stats (Now shows DMG, Fire Rate, Magazine Capacity, Fire Mode)
- Weapon Stats screen in Flyout Menu will also display Fire Mode
- Added new gradient textures and materials to local HUDs and flyout menu skills screen
- Added Offense, Support and Special headers in Skills flyout tab
- Updated gameplay tags for highlighting stats that have been modified by perks
- Current Weapon name color now matches rarity
- Perks now have a rarity color (Currently used by Exotic and Unique Perks)
- Increased perk icon size in Local HUDs and Item Interaction screen
- Disabled “OBJECTIVES” text on HUD
- Audio
- NEW SFX for Spike Traps
- NEW Prison Guard Bot VO
- Space Station
- Added a Maintenance Bot to the Engineering Pod
- Players lack authorization
- Centered the [REDACTED] button under the warning sign – for safety
- Added a warning decal underneath the self-destruct button – for safety
- Slightly updated NPC pathing in the Engineering Pod to reduce collision
- Once a planet is completed, you can now select a sub mission from the Galaxy map UI
- Titus
- Site 4 Cavern Battery minimap marker now disappears on pickup
- Oterion Wetlands
- Updated the locked caches containing the old Suzumebachi with the new Type 3 model
- Oterion Lost City
- Added blocking volumes to prevent running through the wall near the Raptor encounter
- Updated art near the Uncharted Sector to match the Sector A Start
- Added kill volumes beneath an area in the Waterworks where some players could become permanently stuck. This will return anyone caught underneath back to the checkpoint at the Waterworks start
- Added a new blocking volume at the edge of the Waterworks pit to prevent players getting stuck outside the map
- All instances of the old Suzumebachi have been updated to the new Type 3 model
- Teleporters between the Uncharted Sector’s entrance, its exit & the mission start are available
- For the time being this is a service that will not require any payments to Jeffrys
- In unrelated news, the planning and development of the game’s long-term economy continues!
- Known Issues
- Fixes on the long-standing Rygar ice shore pebble material issue are underway! Currently only half of the debris renders as intended, but future updates should easily fix the other meshes!
- Some Skill Cooldown descriptions may not be displayed correctly in the Flyout Menu (Fix coming soon!)