New Halloween Update
Spooky Update is now available on Steam! Be on the lookout for the all new Goblin Gun Grenade Launcher hidden on Oterion!
Halloween Update
- Spooky Season has been updated!
- Find and Talk to Mr. Spooky and Scary Face on each planet in the Nova Genesis system
- Find the all new “AzTek Goblin Gun Grenade Launcher”
- Collect skulls and pumpkins in Holochamber Arcade mode
- Hang out with the Ghost Spyder pet in the Station
- Check out haunted maps throughout the Campaign both old and new!
- Spooky event ends on November 7th
General Updates and Fixes
- Titus
- Added Mr. Spooky in the Site 4 Cave
- Titus Queen’s Nest
- Added Scary Face and his dance team next to Spooky
- Oterion Wetlands
- Added Scary and his dance team to the roof of the AzTek Facility
- Oterion Lost City
- Added Mr. Spooky and some dancers near the statue before the Waterworks
- Added a couple of nav blocking volumes to prevent players getting partially stuck under some of the rubble
- Find the all new custom weapon “Kadru Viper X LMG”
- Oterion Ruins
- Added Scary Face in the first Puzzle Chamber
- Rygar
- Art updates throughout the level
- Added progress bar to cell pickup logic
- Changed pickup text to “Cell” instead of “Superconductor” to match with Objective text
- Added SFX and camera shake to Facility door
- Fixed a floating weapon cache
- Characters
- Enemies
- Veskri & Tripod
- Added sound FX
- Veskri & Tripod
- Enemies
- Known Issues
- Some skills are not transferring upgrades between Campaign levels