Update 0.6.3
Solar Purge Update 0.6.3 is now available on Steam! Campaign Mission Updates, Holochamber Updates, New Weapons, UI Updates and much more!
Campaign Updates
- ”New” Level: Titus Caverns:
- The underground area leading up to the Queen’s Nest has been separated into its own level!
- Progress is now saved so players can complete the planet at their own pace
- Greatly expanded and adjusted enemy encounters throughout the Caverns
- Access the Caverns after detonating the explosives near Drill Site 1
Holochamber Updates
- Added Laser weapons to all Holochamber maps
- Updated the Enemy Lists in Oterion Jungle Ruins Holochamber to reduce snowballing of enemies
- Increased the amount of Holochamber floor progress that Raptors and Swamp Crawlers provide
- Increased vacuum radius of Holochamber Power-Ups
New Weapons
- These new Unique Weapons will appear throughout the Campaign:
- New Nazuna DMR “Suzumebachi”
- New Aztek Grenade Launcher “Tekuani”
- New Zheng Shotgun “Leizi”
- New Chatka AR “Dzhonni Riko”
- New Chatka Rocket Launcher “Interzona”
- New Chatka Minigun “Sasha”
- New Wolf Handgun “Mickey Slim”
- New Wolf AR “ARX-Prime”
- Three New Kadru “Kobra” Shotguns
- Two New Tawhiri “Mahuika” Laser Beams
General Updates & Fixes
- Gameplay
- Assassin Slash no longer steals HP from thin air….. no joke… you could really do that…
- Fixed an issue with the drills on Titus that caused abnormal behavior when starting up
- Fixed an issue causing erroneous player information to appear when players drop out and then are added back in
- Enemy health scaling increase based on player count has been changed for 3 and 4 player sessions:
- 3 Players: +20%
- 4 Players: +35%
- Increased Power Ammo brick size
- Added Orb mesh to HP pickup
- Weapons
- Rare weapons will now always drop with 2 perks
- Replaced ‘Rapid Fire’ in the Chatka Flamethrowers’ Perk pool with ‘Big Mag’
- Added ‘Big Mag’ to the AzTek FT’s Perk Pool
- Fixed a bug in the Olorun Perk Pools allowing them to occasionally roll with ammo-extension (‘Extended Clip’ / ‘Extra Mags’ / ‘Big Mag’) or the ‘Agility’ perks
- Added ‘Incendiary’ ‘Focus Fire’ and ‘Bulwark’ to Olorun Perk Pools to offset this reduction in the pools’ sizes
- Updated Zheng Perk Pools to include ‘Incendiary’ and ‘Zapper’ across the board
- Added ‘Agility’ to the Zheng Flame Thrower Perk Pool
- Added ‘Extended Clip’ to the Chatka AR Perk Pool
- Removed ‘Agility’ from the Chatka Flame Thrower Perk Pool
- Added ‘Big Mag’ to the Chatka Minigun Perk Pool
- Updated SFX for SMGs and Miniguns
- Updated Belial’s Flame material
- Enemies
- Elite Spyders are immune to pain
- Increased purple blood VFX color brightness (Spyders, Skorlac, etc.)
- Fixed logic for spawning “Elites” in Campaign
- Fixed logic for spawning enemies as aggro
- Added Status Effect component and Burning status logic
- Updated Incendiary perk logic to utilize above
- UI
- Minimap has been changed back to a circular shape. This should hopefully make it easier to find off screen objectives and stand out from the other UI elements.
- Weapon comparison data is now displayed over each weapon drop (a future update will allow players to return it to its old location above the character info)
- Fixed Perk opacity on Weapon Comparison UI
- “Secondary” has been renamed to “Power” throughout the game for consistency
- Fixed error with Flyout Menu character icon logic
- Increased perk icon size in Flyout Menu
- Increased perk name and info font size in Flyout Menu
- Reduced opacity and blur in the Flyout menu background in order to detect enemies in screen corners
- Added UI options menu
- Added “Character Info Scale” and “Flyout Menu Scale” options to UI Menu
- Updated settings for several perks and HUD icons
- Various HUD optimizations
- Increased Character stat icon sizes
- Fixed bug with P2 – P4 HUDs throwing errors on load by adding a delay before refreshing
- Perks are now displayed on left side of the Weapons flyout tab
- Updated settings for several perks and HUD icons
- Moved “Elite” enemy icon over to make room for Status effect icons
- Ammo and Health Caches will now update minimap markers and usability with the difficulty
- Minor updates to Character Selection screen fonts and button spacing
- Added offset to Dialogue widget input action icon
- Fixed missing weapon icon bug on local HUD
- Fixed “Hold Y to Open Main Menu” input on Pause Menu
- Pause Menu should now correctly display total number of players in game
- Titus Underground has been renamed to “Titus Caverns”
- Abort Mission will now work for Titus Caverns
- Lockjaw Cell Blocks
- No enemies will spawn as “Elites” except for the Drone Guards in the Fan Control Room
- Fixed fan shadow clipping
- Space Station
- Fixed logic on NPC dialogue after completing Titus
- Minor art and under-the-hood NPC navigation updates in Engineering
- NPC dialogue updates
- Titus
- Added Power Weapons tutorial
- Added Minimap tutorial
- Updated egg sac power levels
- New Hazards: Small Sinkhole and Nursery Tunnel “Grub Geyser”
- Tweaked several enemy spawner enemy lists and aggro settings
- Misc art updates throughout
- Explosive pods no longer deal AOE damage, but spawn several Stingers instead
- Added a new NPC and area in the HQ zone to showcase Stinger cocoons
- Added a series of new enemy encounters with Stingers on the Eastern Approach
- Added several new stinger cocoons along the Eastern Approach
- Updated waypoint marker logic for battery cave and Crane interaction
- Added cave minimap markers
- Removed cliff rocks near lagoon worker and replaced with Caution Gate (this will unlock and open after turning on the CommsNet tower)
- Added extra blocking volume to Lagoon Gate
- Disabled minimap markers for Drill Site 1
- Added new weapons cache on northern path
- Updated spawners for 1st drill encounter
- Updated the collision in the Site 4 Battery Cave to prevent several rare cases where the player could become trapped in stalagmite geometry
- Broodwatcher miniboss can no longer spawn as “Elite”
- Updated collision around the stalagmites in the Broodwatcher Chamber to prevent players getting stuck
- Rebuilt the logic around the Broodwatcher defeat to fix several bugs related to battery pickup and quest progression
- Fixed an issue causing the Broodwatcher’s battery to float in the air
- Added new Stinger trap cutscene before talking to Tych
- Added Stinger encounter to CommsNet tower
- You can no longer talk to the CommsNet bot until the sequence between Dr. Hadley and Tych is finished
- Fixed an issue where players could jump down into the Crystal Gorge from the eastern area of Drill Site 5
- Minor collision cleanup throughout the level
- Adjusted the height of some barrels in the Blasting Zone to make them easier to hit
- Added a new cluster of barrels near the entrance to the Blasting Zone
- Updated Nadia’s name to Natascha
- Added level transition for loading Titus Caverns
- Titus Queen’s Nest
- Under-the-hood fixes to save game data to allow for progression from Titus Caverns
- Updated Hadley’s dialogue from manually advancing text to automatically advancing
- Oterion Wetlands
- Updated weapon cache drops
- Updated Maya’s follower AI
- Added new Cypher Keys to map
- Fixed an issue that caused signposts in the abandoned colony area to vanish from the level if the player crossed the large bridge to the Survey Zone and then went back
- Stopped the Science Center signpost from floating above the ground
- Slightly increased the chance of finding higher tiered weapons in the AzTek tower chest
- Added a new unique weapon, the Tawhiri Mahuika to weapon chests in the city ruins at the far edge of the marsh area
- Added more locked weapons caches throughout Wetlands
- Oterion Lost City
- Added pressure plate animations to Spike Traps (this change also affects the Ruined Sanctum)
- Hid three Cypher keys in the level
- Locked the weapon cache by the Waterworks puzzle and curated its contents with extremely heavy firepower!
- Added an unlocked weapon cache and an ammo cache to the same area
- Minor art updates throughout the level
- Oterion Ruined Sanctum
- Major Art update to the starting area
- Added a Continue Point to the starting area, just in case (also allows Players to access their Vault in the Flyout Menu before going inside)
- Improved lighting effects in the Antechamber
- Players are now prevented from returning to the Antechamber once inside the Outer Court
- Greatly expanded art in the sunlit corner by the Raptor encounter
- Infected Toads’ regen has been reduced by 75%
- Yes, seventy-five percent! Even with this change they can still completely regain their health, but only if they remain in the toxic spore pool for its entire duration
- Let us know what you think about this and other changes in our Discord community
- Fixed Infested Corridor door opening to prevent a clipping error
- Updated and fixed several navigation issues in Combat trials
- Fixed a serious bug in multiplayer that allowed platforms to move before all players were present
- Fixed language on moving platforms to say ‘Activate’
- Fixed camera zoom logic in Puzzle Path
- Updated art around the dead-end broken door in the first Puzzle Path chamber
- Updated art in the back cliff face at the end of the Puzzle Path
- Updated art around the dead-end broken door in the first Puzzle Path chamber
- Added lighting to the standing statues at the start of the second Puzzle Path chamber for consistency
- Updated art in the infested switch chamber in the latter stages of the Combat Path
- Tweaked enemy spawners for the infested switch chamber
- Disabled the wall spike traps by the entrance of the infested switch chamber
- Misc Art and VFX updates throughout
- Known Issues
- Rygar continues to experience material errors on terrain. We are working on fixes but this will take some time to implement.
- Changes to the character info or Flyout Menu made in the UI Menu are not currently saving. A fix for this is incoming but we could not delay our “post-ATG update” any longer!