Solar Purge Update is now available on Steam! Campaign updates, new voice overs and gameplay balance changes!
Halloween Update
- Spooky Season has finished
- Mr. Spooky and Scary Face have returned to the Spirit Realm until next year
- Players who saved the AzTek Goblin Gun Grenade Launcher to their Vault may continue to use it
General Updates and Fixes
- Lockjaw Prison
- New tutorial popups for Flyout Menu and Skill Upgrades
- Enemy Power Levels have been increased in Mining zone for balance testing
- Power Weapons have been moved to the beginning of Titus and no longer drop in the first level
- Titus
- Power Weapons now begin to appear in Campaign before leaving HQ
- Power Weapon tutorial popup now appears when receiving Power Weapon access
- Minor art updates
- Space Station
- Maintenance Bots throughout the level now have new voiced dialogue!
- Rygar
- New art updates throughout the level