Solar Purge Hotfix is now available on Steam with Bug fixes and Quality of Life Updates!
In Development
- Work on the character progression, player economy, sandbox, and late-game systems continues.
- The new Uncharted Sector will be ready for public release soon!
Bug Fixes & Quality of Life Updates
- Healing Numbers from Player(s) and Enemies are now linked to the “Display Damage Numbers” option
- Elite Medastia will now only leave 1 poison AOE after death
- ”Reloading” sound effect has been reduced from 50% of playing to 10%
- Fixed an issue where players could be forcibly returned to the Main Menu during gameplay in some circumstances
- UI
- Fixed “Display Damage Numbers” option bug
- Fixed “Display Player HP” option bug
- Fixed “Display Damage Numbers” option bug
- Fixed “Screen Resolution” option not saving correctly bug
- Fixed “Screen Mode” option not working properly
- Fixed bug where “Invite Friends” screen could be accessed from the Main Menu, but could not be closed with a controller input
- ”Roadmap” screen can now be closed using “B” button on controller
- ”Discord” screen can now be closed using “B” button on controller
- Character skill previews can now be highlighted with the Right thumbstick on controller
- Fixed XP gained appearing twice on screen
- UI scale options will now save properly
- Slider options now have a background box
- Minor Main Menu visual updates
- Credits Screen visual updates
- New menu button animations
- Pausing the game will now always switch to the default Pause Menu
Lockjaw Mining
- Updated Minimap to include Tram Station leading to the Cell Blocks mission
Titus Surface
- Added new Vista to Site 1 Old HQ Building
- Sinkhole gameplay and art updates
- Added armor to several military NPCs
- Updated minimap with newer pathways from recent updates
- Misc environment asset optimizations
Titus Underground
- Grubs by the underground river are once again aggroed – be careful on the bridge!
Known Issues
- Players 2 – 4 can currently switch to power weapons during the Lockjaw Prison levels during the Campaign. This is unintended behavior as power weapons and weapon switching are now unlocked at the beginning of Titus!